~ ~ 直至今天共收到 926 位網友的留言 ~ ~

留言 26 : Kong Chi Wang先生 於 2001-02-16 00:00:00 之留言


I think that you guys can also make a section for the students who are studying in the school. (Like the old student one), so they can know each others more by the internet
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留言 25 : 池健斌先生 於 2001-02-01 00:00:00 之留言


候SIR 可否放一些往日的班相呀!!!
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留言 24 : cheng kit yi小姐 於 2001-01-26 00:00:00 之留言


"To: LPY Happy Snake Year, **Gung Hay Fat Choi~~**"
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留言 23 : TONG先生 於 2001-01-22 00:00:00 之留言


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留言 22 : abc先生 於 2001-01-22 00:00:00 之留言


This web page is very good
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留言 21 : Lau小姐 於 2001-01-19 00:00:00 之留言


hello! that's quite good
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留言 20 : cheng kit yi小姐 於 2001-01-17 00:00:00 之留言


Wah.. It's excellent page, i'm so proud of my mother sch. I'm really expect to see the old student details and their pics out here. It's the best way for me to contact all my old classmate from here. I'm sure i'll be back soon. ***chi kam bin...right.
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留言 19 : 池健斌先生 於 2001-01-06 00:00:00 之留言


I would like to leave this message to 謝志文老師. Hi Hi.. Mr. Tse you still remember who am I... I don't think so. I'm in your class at 1996 2E monitor. Now can you remember. I'm so lucky find this wonderful web site. Do U have ICQ I have ICQ:16982984 of you c
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留言 18 : Cheng Man Wang先生 於 2001-01-04 00:00:00 之留言


have lpy keep old pictures of outdoor activies, if so, can your post out as much as your can, then I could download and save it. I was active student, I am sure I must had a lot of picture that took at past that I still haven't with me now. Thank! Good im
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留言 17 : Wong Ho Yan (F.5D in 1999~2000)小姐 於 2000-12-11 00:00:00 之留言


So beautiful. But if more beautiful Flash (e.g. photo and Word) is better. And i wish you can send the homepage for every old student. And i am looking forward the homepage which is not finish to finish. And if can use the homepage to connect every teache
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留言 16 : 關心小姐 於 2000-11-23 00:00:00 之留言


個網頁好正,不過還沒完成!如果多些舊生資訊就更好! 候sir努力啊!!祝教安!
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留言 15 : micheal先生 於 2000-11-15 00:00:00 之留言


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留言 14 : noriko小姐 於 2000-11-15 00:00:00 之留言


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留言 13 : 朱偉權先生 於 2000-11-15 00:00:00 之留言


陳 sir..你呢個網頁做得好好呀. 非常好.但我發覺有的字重疊佐呀. ....係呀. 陳 sir 好久不見你近排几好嗎. 祝你教學愉快..
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留言 12 : Helena小姐 於 2000-11-15 00:00:00 之留言


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留言 11 : """ K """先生 於 2000-11-14 00:00:00 之留言


照片不太足夠而尺寸大一點就好了. 大致不錯.
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留言 10 : koey小姐 於 2000-10-21 00:00:00 之留言


The net is not interesting. I think it can to make more intesting thing.
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留言 9 : Helena Lui小姐 於 2000-10-20 00:00:00 之留言


真沒有太多最新消息! 有關同事請多多up-date最新消息一欄.
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留言 8 : Helena Lui小姐 於 2000-10-20 00:00:00 之留言


各位好嗎? 學校的網頁更新了不少, 我閱讀過數次, 還介紹給梁明淳校長哩! Mr. Derek Cho, Mr. Mak Wai Kin,曾經說過會來探訪我, 現在是否變成空頭支票? Ms. Pang Wai Man 有空的話請電郵給我.
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留言 7 : William先生 於 2000-10-07 00:00:00 之留言


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